How To Use Finance A Levels To Make Your Finance Career Dream a Reality! (New Guide)
Studying finance is a brilliant option for anyone looking to go into accounting or the financial world.
It can lead to jobs in corporate finance, investment banking and a whole range of other financial services or alternate careers in areas like computer science that will give you a lifelong, rewarding career.
a levels
What does studying finance A level actually mean?
Depending on what course you’re looking at doing, you’ll learn a variety of skills in a finance course that you won’t learn anywhere else.
Subject guides are your best bet for understanding exactly what you’ll learn, and obviously you’ll learn something different in a finance degree as compared to a level 3 BTEC course. Generally though, a finance course will include some of the following:
Most finance courses at a degree level in England and the UK have prerequisites in the form of finance a level. If you’re not sure what you’ve achieved, or are confused by the UK system of education, check out this helpful page about understanding education in the UK.
Between 2015 and 2016, there was a
increase in economics A Level student numbers
Why a finance A Level can help
If you’re looking to go into higher education in business studies or a finance degree, there are often entry requirements based around what A level subjects you’ve completed. Many people do their A levels over two years, finishing in sixth form. However, there are a number of courses available that will teach you all you need to do in the related subject for you to sit your a level in that specific subject – so if you haven’t achieved or completed an a level in finance or financial markets, you don’t need to worry, you can still achieve your university dreams!
If you’ve already got your A levels, but don’t know where to go next, then check out this article about life after A levels.
You can also complete a higher level of education without A levels through a number of other pathways in related courses. However, this does tend to take a little longer, which is why relevant A levels in something like A-Level Mathematics or other related courses are an ideal solution so that you can get into a finance degree with ease. Otherwise, you can start with a related course that won’t result in an A level, but can still be a helpful pathway into university – and of course many international students still go to UK universities in places like London without A levels, and instead have completed the international baccalaureate or equivalent. You can also complete a number of courses that will let you get a foot in the door of the finance world, and can still lead to a rewarding career in the industry.
In 2016-2017, there were
students studying at UK higher education institutions.
Where to study finance
There’s a huge variety of finance courses out there, all over England and the UK, so it’s important to consider your options. UCAS can help if you’re looking to go straight to university, but if you’re looking to get into a degree, and don’t already have A levels, then something that will give you A levels or teach you what you need to sit the degree and get the required grade (grade B, grade C or AAA AAB etc.) is crucial as levels are often key to university acceptance.
You also need to consider what method of study is best for you. Many courses offer alternative study options – full time, and part time or online options are fantastic for those who already have a busy life with family, children, or a demanding job. There are also sometimes options for people who have completed related courses or A levels in a different speciality like English literature, or religious studies, and now want to change direction. Also consider if your native language is something other than English, like French or Spanish, that some courses will offer optional modules that could help in understanding financial terminology in the English language.
There are many student finance options available, with split payments or payment plans being offered by a variety of institutions.
Make sure to go to open days and consider whether a personal statement may be able to help your application along with relevant courses that may not result in an A level but can still get you started in the industry.
Where can a course in finance lead?
A career in finance can be lifelong and incredibly rewarding. Even within your first year of study, you’ll learn skills that will help you personally and professionally, whether you’re at a business school or a small local college. Possible careers include:
A course in finance is only the beginning!
How to Get Started
If you think that working in finance could be for you, then completing your a levels in relevant subjects is crucial. Make sure to check out our list of finance courses today to get started on living your dream!
Universities UK, Patterns and Trends in Higher Education 2018
The Economics Network, Research: Trends in UK economics education (updated 2018)
GOV.UK, Graduate labour market statistics: 2017