There are myriad ways you can be earning extra income if you have specialised knowledge. Whether you are an accountant or gardener, sharing what you know about your field and industry can bring in more money and could even surpass what you are currently earning on your full-time day job. It could also boost your CV and give you the opportunity to network with influential people.
The first step is to try the ropes. Begin with a small ‘side hussle’ and see if you can build on this. Soon you might find a whole new career direction!
1. Coach/Teach/Consult in Your Field
Gone are the days where those who don’t do- teach. People want to learn from those who have been there, done that, and are still doing. Offering one-to-one consultations or coaching is a fantastic way to start sharing your knowledge, make money, and can lead to many interpersonal connections for future career opportunities.
Coaching and teaching also start building a base of clients who, if they are happy with your service, will recommend you to others and get the ball rolling on your side business. It can also give you a good estimate of what kind of audience is out there and what extent can your knowledge be shared.
You don’t always have to teach about your career knowledge. If you have a specific talent, such as crafts or know another language, these can be viable teaching options. There are so many ways to make money online. Online platforms that supply language teachers such as Italki are becoming increasingly popular, as they do not require traveling and can be arranged to suit everyone’s schedule.
2. Write and Publish
Another option is to publish and distribute your knowledge. Having your own website, writing regular blogs, or using social media professionally is a good way to start gathering attention. Blogging is not a quick money spinner, and it takes time to build up your online presence with the competition out there. However, it’s another great way to meet a new community of like-minded people. Once you are noticed you can work towards writing for better-known websites and magazines that will pay a higher rate.
You can even try publishing your own book if you feel there is a market out there. With traditional publishing taking a decent cut from the author, self-publishing has become a popular option to take full control of your marketing and prices.
3. Create Your Own Course
If you are having success with teaching and writing, you can consider creating your own online courses. These can be tailored to suit your unique abilities and focused on what you do best. And you don’t even need to leave your house! Online courses are perfect for those who have limited time and resources.
They can be used as a fast-track option to learn a specific skill for those who cannot afford and do not have the time to return to university. You can build a reputation for yourself as a reputable course teacher and garner a wider client base. And why stop there? Becoming a course leader could develop into deals with companies or universities who are interested in outsourcing training methods.
4. Give Talks
Once you have a following, becoming an inspirational speaker can be a highly lucrative activity for a short period of time. From one-day workshops to 1-hour talks, figures can be very high if businesses feel you will bring in a crowd. You don’t need to immediately become a TED talker straight off the bat. Being a guest speaker or member of a panel is a great way to put in the practice of public speaking, before staring in your own show. If you prefer the online route, you can always produce podcasts or be a guest speaker on one.
5. Plan Your Own Events
If you love discussion and networking, you can organise and host your own knowledge-based event. It can be filled with your own talks, online courses and even collaborations with other contacts you have met along the journey.
You can invite speakers, from the famous names to the newcomers on the scene, and perhaps find yourself getting invitations later in return. Events or conferences are all about engagement and developing long-lasting professional relationships.
Planning your own event will certainly be expensive, but can lead to amazing outcomes. If you are successful, you can attract sponsors who will help fund your next events.
Your knowledge is valuable and can be shared with lucrative outcomes. If you feel stifled from your 9 to 5 and in need of extra income, market your skills. You will become your very own job, your own service, your own business.
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