Career Advice
Browse our career advice articles and find out how to ace every aspect of your professional journey.
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Project Management vs Agile: Which one should you study?
If you’re looking to build a career in managing projects, you might find yourself wondering: s...
5 Signs Your Career is Stagnating (and How to Fix it)
Feeling like something is off in your career? Not sure what's wrong? There is no shame in admitting...
How To Understand Your Strengths and Use Them In Your Career
Throughout people's professional careers, most are always looking for ways to build new skills, gain...
All Career Advice Articles
Project Management vs Agile: Which one should you study?
If you’re looking to build a career in managing projects, you might find yourself wondering: s...
5 Signs Your Career is Stagnating (and How to Fix it)
Feeling like something is off in your career? Not sure what's wrong? There is no shame in admitting...
How To Understand Your Strengths and Use Them In Your Career
Throughout people's professional careers, most are always looking for ways to build new skills, gain...
“How to Upskill Yourself If Your Manager Won’t” – Tips From Experts
Authored by Paul Starr, Group Head of Quality & Performance at ICS Learn and edited by Lauren Wa...
The Secret to Finding a Job in the UK: Upskilling
The UK is facing one of its toughest periods of unemployment seen in recent history, with London exp...
Advice For Getting Back Into The Workplace After A Break
Career breaks happen. You may have lost your job due to the pandemic or you may have taken time out...
How to Keep Your Skills Sharp When Returning to Work After Furlough
Have you been furloughed from work during the recent lockdown? Are you wondering how to prepare and...
5 Reasons To Consider A Career In Cyber Security
With cyber security attacks becoming more common, impacting the lives of millions careers in cyber s...
Is Getting A Master’s Degree In Education Worth It?
Studying for a master’s degree in education is a popular choice for those who want to develop their...
How to Improve Your CV By Banishing Bland ‘Buzzwords’
Does your CV describe you as “motivated”, “organised” or “experienced”? Then it’s time for an update...
How to Develop Your Entrepreneurial Skills
Entrepreneurial skills are one of the most highly regarded skills to have, and they can set you up f...
The Complete Guide to Balancing Work and Study at the Same Time
In recent years, there has been a great increase in both university students with part time jobs, an...
What Are Your Options After Getting Your GCSE Results?
Are you finding out what your GCSE exam results are? When the big day comes around, you will have so...
5 Jobs That Can Help to Stop Climate Change
Are you keen to know how to help with climate change and keep our world safe? Want to make a differe...
5 Jobs You Can Get With Photoshop Skills
Are you looking for the perfect place to utilise your Photoshop skills? Millions of businesses and i...
Which Skills Are Needed to Succeed as a Team Leader?
Successful team leaders are able to ensure that a team is able to work together to achieve a shared...
How to Get a Pay Rise in an Entry-Level Role
With the cost of living soaring and the pandemic hangover hitting households hard, you may be itchin...
What is Applied Business Innovation And Can it Help Your Career?
Applied Business Innovation is a forward-thinking approach to the world of business that could help...
Starting Your First Office Job? Here’s The Microsoft Office Training You’ll Need
When you’re ready to take your first step into the working world, ensuring you have the right traini...
“How Education Courses Helped Me Tackle Grief, Anxiety and Depression”
Education can be a powerful tool that can have a positive impact on learners’ personal lives, as wel...
Five Creative Jobs That Pay Well
Do you have a creative muscle you can’t wait to flex? Forget what you’ve been told before now. Findi...
How To Start Your Own Personal Training Career Without Leaving Your Living Room
Want to start a career as an online fitness coach? Did you know that you can help people work out as...
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Job Searching
Job hunting can be a stressful task. We can invest hours searching for suitable jobs, filling out ap...
“How Mental Health First Aid Training Allowed Me To Help Myself, And Others”
Mental health first aid training is a powerful tool to spot the signs of deteriorating mental health...
Which Fields Can You Use Psychology in to Succeed?
Psychology is certainly a worthy pursuit and one that has far-reaching advantages throughout society...
Which Skills and Upcoming Qualifications Will be the Most Useful in 2022?
It’s a new year and with it comes an array of exciting new opportunities to progress in your career...
How to Prepare Yourself for a Leadership Role
Whether you are thinking of applying or are already being promoted, taking on a leadership role can...
Our Survey Reveals The Biggest Office Christmas Party Do’s and Don’ts
It’s that time of year! Office Christmas parties can be one of the best work events. Everyone gets i...
Why Cloud Computing is a Future-proof Skill
Remember the days when you were limited in storage space to what your computer could manage? Cloud c...
Are You a Creative Person? Consider a Career in Games Design!
Do you have a flair for the creative? Are you looking for a career that lets you use your artistic s...
Are You a Great Storyteller? Try A Career In Teaching!
Do you love telling stories? Are you able to inspire, thrill and amuse others with your tales? Have...
Hearing Your Thoughts: What Does Caring Mean To You?
Working within the care sector can be a rewarding and inspiring experience. This Carers Week, people...
The Top 10 Skills and Qualities Needed For Care Sector Workers to Succeed
Thinking about making a move into the care sector? The importance of the work they do shouldn’t be u...
The Dos and Don’ts of Negotiating a Pay Rise
Negotiating a pay rise can be a daunting prospect for many, even if you have spent years hard at wor...
Top 5 Skills You Need For Moving Into a Management Position
Are you an experienced professional looking to move into management? Advancing into a management pos...
How To Successfully Change Careers During A Pandemic
Are you looking to change into a new career or industry but are worried that now is not a good time?...
5 Tips For Success In a Virtual Job Interview
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve all got used to Zoom calls, virtual meetings and web...
Looking For Work? Here’s Where You Can Find Opportunities Across Europe
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has made it harder to get around, lots of people are thinking about t...
ELCAS Courses – Everything That You Need to Know
How does ELCAS work? Working in the armed forces and want to prepare for a career outside the milita...
The Top Skills Employers Will Be Looking for in 2021
2020 was a year that reshaped the landscape of the working world for the foreseeable future, and som...
Top Tips for Funding Your Postgraduate Degree in 2021
For many students, the economic burden imposed by high tuition fees is the only thing stopping them...
Top Jobs to Look Out for in 2021: Everything You Need to Know
It’s been a roller-coaster ride of a year. Between August and October 2020, the number of Brits in w...
Top 10 Courses You Can Do To Help You Land a Job Post-Pandemic
Looking to land a job after the pandemic? Check out our top 10 courses to get you there 'What did yo...
6 Benefits of Studying Supply Chain Management in 2021
Are you looking for a career that’s varied and challenging? Then why not consider studying supply ch...
Working in Social Care: Top 5 Careers
The NHS states that 1.48 million people currently work in the social care sector. With life expectan...
Careers in Nursing: What to Expect and How to Succeed
The 2020 coronavirus outbreak has meant that the NHS and nurses have never been so valued in our soc...
Five Top Courses for a Fulfilling Law Career
A career in the legal profession can be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding professions to emba...
5 Jobs You Can Apply for After Studying Business Administration
A qualification in Business Administration gives you the key to unlock some incredible job opportuni...
The Importance of Upskilling During COVID-19
We may finally be starting to get a glimpse of the new normal, but the coronavirus pandemic is far f...
How to Use Your Quick-Thinking Skills to Land a High-Paid Job
Thinking on your feet is an excellent skill to have under your belt, both in the workplace and in ev...
What Are Professional Qualifications and Why You Need Them?
Looking to learn something new? If you’re on a mission to expand your career opportunities, gaining...
6 Reasons Why Trading May Be Your Dream Job
If you were to design the perfect dream job, it might look a little something like this: no boss, no...
5 Things to Know Before Starting an Administration Career
Administration experts are in high demand all over the world, with over a million people now employe...
5 Ways to Supplement Your Income When You’re Furloughed
If you’re one of the millions of workers who have been furloughed during the pandemic, there may be...
Becoming a Certified Xero Advisor: How to Begin
Keen to use Xero with confidence? Then you need to join the 70,000 people who have already become Xe...
Why Choose a Career in Supply Chain Management: Top 5 Reasons
Supply chain management might not even be something you've ever heard of, but a career in supply cha...
What Can I Do with a Criminal Psychology Qualification?
Love true crime podcasts? A course in criminal psychology could be calling your name. If you have to...
5 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Career in Social Care
Social care is all about making a difference to other people’s lives, whether it’s providing everyda...
Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Take on a Law Career
A career in law has always been seen as a lucrative option, not just financially, but intellectually...
6 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Health
The health industry is continuously growing and in fast-increasing demand for healthcare professiona...
Top 5 Tips to Helping You Land a Job After Studying Finance
Your graduation ceremony is just around the corner but you’re nervous. You’re not sure what the next...
How to Become a Special Needs Teacher
Do you have a knack for working with young people? If you’re considering a role in teaching, you mig...
4 Simple Side Hustles That Will Boost Your Earnings
Starting a part-time side hustle is easier than ever, thanks to the power of the internet. So it’s n...
6 Soft Skills You’ll Need in a Highly Automated World
Self-driving cars, AI, Quantum computing and customer service algorithms are just some of the exciti...
How to Prove Wrongful Termination
Wrongful termination is when an employer dismisses you from the workplace and does not have a good s...
How to Create the Ultimate Pitch Deck for Projects at Work, Uni and Side Hustles
Pitch decks are used by most companies and organisations to present information and give the targete...
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Self-Employed
For those who succeed in their journey, it can be incredibly profitable and rewarding, with the flex...
The Best Internships for Millennials
The word internship to many conjures up the image of a young person taking the lunch order for their...
What Does Your Work Wardrobe Say About Your Personal Brand?
First impressions count for a lot, especially in the workplace; and that doesn’t just mean when you’...
The Workplace of the Future is Lonely as Hell
Due to increasing technological advancements, a lot us are finding ourselves working from home, more...
What a Six-Figure Salary Means in the UK
(UPDATED for 2023) – Before making an investment in education, many people want to understand how ha...
Top Jobs for Night Owls & Tips for Working the Graveyard Shift
Early mornings can be a painful experience for many of us, especially for those who would rather be...
Everything You Need to Know About Competitive Salaries
You’ve spotted the perfect vacancy with a job description that ticks all the boxes, a location you l...
Why CIPD Certification Is the Best Path to HR Success
Though careers in human resources (HR) may not reside in the same category as being a rock star, a g...
Why Study a Floristry Course?
(UPDATED MAY 2022) If you’re interested in working in the floristry business, it can be tempting to...
How to Know When It’s Time to Make a Career Change
Making a career change is a daunting prospect as it is often hard to assess when you should leave yo...
Unlock Your New Career With These In-Demand Job Skills
Looking for a new job this year? Then you’ll be glad to know that professional networking website Li...
Don’t Follow Your Passion! Sharpen Your Skills For a More Satisfying Career Journey
The mantra has always been to follow your passion in life. Do what you love. Make your hobby your ca...
Do You Have the Skills Needed for the Modern Workplace?
You don’t necessarily have to go back to school and learn a whole new skill set, but it is important...
Top 5 Ways to Make Money From Your Knowledge
There are myriad ways you can be earning extra income if you have specialised knowledge. Whether y...
How To Use Finance A Levels To Make Your Finance Career Dream a Reality! (New Guide)
Studying finance is a brilliant option for anyone looking to go into accounting or the financial wor...
The Unpopular Entry-Level Job That Might Be for You
A career as an air traffic controller (ATC) is only rarely the dream of little boys and girls, but w...
The Honest Truth About What It Takes to Make A Good Living Doing What You Love
Most people associate dream jobs within the creative sector, such as musician or writer. The creativ...
How to Find and Get Yourself a Better Job Than the One You Have Now
Many people job hunt sideways; finding roles which they are qualified for but are pretty much the sa...
It’s Official! The Best Places to Work in the UK Have Been Decided
Slough is the best place to work in the UK, according to recruitment site Glassdoor. The company’s r...
The 10 Best Jobs in the UK for 2019 Revealed
Thinking of changing jobs this year? Spring is the ideal time to start searching, as the season’s wa...
Is a New Career Your 2019 Goal? Here’s How to Achieve It
With New Years just passed, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about a new career! A career cha...
What is Computer Literacy and How Can I Improve It?
UDPATED FOR 2024 - Keen to improve your computer literacy? Explore courses today and get your comput...
The Best Way to Make a Difference Based on your Skill Set
Never underestimate your skill set and experience level. Everybody has a unique array of talents gai...
5 Jobs Working with Children and How to Get Them in the UK
Working with children can be an incredibly rewarding job, whether you are helping with the developme...
How to Get a Full Day’s Work Done in Half the Time
With the three most common stressors in the UK being money, work and health*; it probably comes as n...
How Innovative Technology is Transforming the Workplace
From collaboration tools to cloud computing, innovative technology is transforming offices throughou...
How to Network Like a Professional: Easy Tips To Get You Ahead of the Competition
Remember the saying 'it’s not what you know but who you know'? Connecting with new people who could...
How to Use Your Life Experiences to Start a New Career
Life is packed with valuable experiences, from travelling the world to bringing up kids. But if you...
5 Affordable Ways to Develop Your Career
Climbing the career ladder is something that is often seen as a pricey investment. From spending tho...
Top 10 Careers Pathways For Extrovert Personality Types
Do you consider yourself a people person? Do you like solving problems by discussing them? Do you fi...
Which Work Environment Suits You Best? (New Guide)
The environment in which we work can have a great influence over many aspects of our lives; from our...
How You Can Change Careers Without Losing Money
Unfortunately it is true that when moving career paths to a new job, money can become an issue. It h...
Do You Enjoy Your Current Job? Here’s What to do If Your Answer Is NO
Want to leave but don’t have a new job lined up? You are not alone. This is a common problem, especi...
5 Social Media Fails that Could be Ruining Your Career
If you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, you may be aware that many companies check out...
How To Make A Career Change In A Familiar Industry
Self-confidence plays a major part in any successful career change, so it’s important to understand...
How to Change Careers With a Family
It’s easy to dismiss the idea of changing career when you’re a parent. Retraining can be hard work a...
How to Sell Yourself on a Resume and Get That Job
There is a delicate balance between over-selling and under-selling yourself when it comes to writing...
What Should I Do With My Life? A Step By Step Guide
With these easy, structured exercises, you'll get started on designing an intentional life. To help...
How to Become a Digital Nomad: The Ultimate Guide to Location Independent Living
The digital nomad lifestyle is becoming increasingly intriguing to people the world over. The abilit...
Don’t Just Set Yourself Outcome Goals, Set Yourself Process Goals
If a task makes you feel intimidated and too nervous to undertake, it is usually too large a goal. H...
Why You Should Have a Professional Development Plan
Changing careers, or even getting started on the career ladder if you have a job in mind, can be tri...
Mature Workers: What Employers Really Think
The average life expectancy in the UK has been increasing year after year according to the Office fo...
Top 10 Mum Skills for the Workplace You Never Knew You Had
Heading back into the working world after spending years caring for the kids can seem overwhelming....
Boredom in Your Job? Here’s How to Change That
Is it another day creating graphs, crunching numbers and staring at your computer screen? Is there l...
Professional Self-Improvement: How to Add Value to Your CV
On the other hand, unemployment and the accompanying lost-sheep feeling can be just as hard. You mig...
How to Find a Career Change in Your Own Workplace
Changing career usually means changing the employer you work for, but this isn’t the only option. If...
Why Working From Home Can Make You A Better Employee
From early morning commutes to annoying colleagues; working from home can seem like a dream to many...
Three Golden Rules to Ensure Your Cover Letter Stands Out
Applying to jobs can be tough. This author knows it as well as anyone. You’ll send off a tailor-made...
The Ultimate Survival Guide for All New Working Mums
Are you about to become a working mum for the first time? Then you might be wondering how you’ll man...
3 Steps to Changing Your Career
There’s an infamous line by fictitious How I Met Your Mother character, Barney Stinson. He says, ‘ne...
3 Steps to Leverage the Transferable Skills You Didn’t Know You Had
At each job, you take on new experiences, learn to overcome new challenges, and pick up skills that...
The Top 7 Skills You Need to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
If you’re an aspiring business owner or have a business idea that you’re sure will take off, you nee...
How-To: Our Guide to Answering the ‘What is Your Greatest Weakness?’ Interview Question
Sometimes, interviewers like to restructure the stock-standard ‘What is your biggest weakness?’ ques...
5 Things to Remember When You Log in to LinkedIn
There’s an overused saying in the employment industry: While this certainly isn’t always true, netwo...
Chasing Happiness Instead of Promotions: Inspiring Stories From People Who Took the Leap
5 Lessons You Learn From a Job You Hate
Every single one of us will have to work a job we don’t like at some point in our lives. But if we s...
Changing Jobs? Discover How to Resign The Right Way
Did you know that the average UK employee changes their job every five years? While receiving a job...
How to Take the Leap and Turn Your Freelance Work into a Career
Here at CoursesOnline, we love bringing you exciting tit-bits you might not know. One juicy piece of...
Best Jobs for College Students in the UK
So you're a broke college student, and you desperately need a job. However, it's not as easy as it l...
Ultimate How-To Guide: The Interview Process
No matter if you’re deciding what to wear to a university interview, informal interview or a s...
5 of the Best Creative Jobs in London (New Guide)
London is known for its many different types of art, from the historic art galleries in Central Lond...
5 ‘Future Proof’ Careers in the UK (Updated)
In this rapidly evolving employment landscape, some of the most in-demand occupations of 2018 didn't...